
Here is an animation of me sleeping. I set up my camera to take photos throughout the night at 30 minute intervals. Apparently there is a lot of thrashing about when I sleep.

6 Comments on "Sleeping"

  1. Marc says:

    What camera/software did you use to set that up?

  2. Drey says:

    I have an old Canon Powershot G5. I imported the photos into Photoshop and then Flash.

  3. Ryan says:

    A little too reminiscent of Paranormal Activity….

  4. Echo says:

    I’ve heard that a lot of motion during sleep is pretty common. It’s amusing to watch.

  5. Monica says:

    If that were me, there would be a cat crossing the path at least two or three times, walking over me or sleeping on top of me…

  6. Drey says:

    I’ve made my bedroom a cat-free zone, so there are no such night time adventures.

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